In my individual capacity, I like neither the Congress nor the BJP. I believe in the theory of relativity. Don’t get afraid, I am not going to explain Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity. The theory of relativity usually encompasses two interrelated physics theories. Trust me the theory of relativity would perfectly work here when we draw a comparison between Congress & BJP. But it is a little complex and I have to spend much time explaining the theory itself. As such, instead of physics, I would take the help of Chemistry and economics to dwell on the question.
Supporting or not supporting Congress or BJP is not entirely a matter of likes and dislikes or about their policies. Let me prove it scientifically as well as in terms of economic principles. It always works in tandem or relativity. The First principle I am going to use is - the fundamental property of Chemistry - Osmosis. Possibly the word Osmosis might look foreign to some viewers but if say RO (reverse osmosis) then possibly most people would be able to connect it. We use RO technology for water purification. I will talk about and apply the RO technology in some other answer. Here I will use only Osmosis.
Osmosis is a chemical process that involves the movement of molecules from a region of higher concentration to a lower concentration of liquid through a semipermeable membrane as shown in the above pictures until the concentrations of solute become equal on either side of the membrane. Here solutes are the particles mixed or contained in the liquid. The solute molecules on either side of the liquid need not be of the same elements. However, the movement will still occur toward the higher-concentration liquid. Not only the solute, there will be movement of the solvent(liquid) also.
Without going further deep on the subject, let me correlate the process with politics. Today if you find more people supporting or moving towards the BJP is because is because of Osmosis. Today BJP is like the higher concentration liquid, so the elements or particles of Congress (lesser concentrated) are moving towards BJP. The solute particles of Congress may not match with that of the BJP in their properties but still, they will move to BJP. This is a natural chemical property of liquid which is called the osmotic pressure. it doesn’t require any external force. We talked about the semipermeable membrane between the two liquids or the political parties. We actually have a permeable membrane between Congress and the BJP. BJP is welcoming one and all from Congress, with no restriction. And people are always free to vote for BJP. Tomorrow we may have a reverse process of the same osmosis.
Now let me talk about economics - Indifference Curve analysis. It would be easier for people from Economics backgrounds. But this is also very simple. In the Indifference Curve analysis, we study the total utility derived from the consumption of various combination doses of two commodities under the holding principle that no matter what combinations are, the total utility derived will remain the same for each of the combinations.
For example, for a given sum of budget, you can have 60 cups of tea and 40 cups of Coffee in a month. Within that given budget you can switch between various combinations, such as - 90 cups of tea and 10 cups of Coffee or 10 cups of tea and 90 cups of Coffee in the extreme and so many other combinations in between. You will naturally spend the money in a way to get maximum utility for the given sum. The utility of tea and coffee may vary from person to person but the total utility will remain the same for all.
However when we go towards the extreme combinations of 90 cups of tea and 10 cups of Coffee or 10 cups of tea and 90 cups of Coffee, another economic law - the law of diminishing marginal utility starts working. This means when you start consuming higher doses of tea or coffee the utility or satisfaction starts dropping. And you will gradually move towards a mean combination.
The political indifference curve analysis is also the same. You can have various combinations of Congress and BJP MPs - 90% BJP MP and 10% Congress MP or reverse 90% Congress MP & 10% BJP MP. And between these two extremes, there could be multiple combinations. But here also the law of diminishing marginal utility will start working sooner or later. This means when you start having a very high number of BJP or Congress MPs in the parliament the utility or satisfaction will start dropping. And you will gradually move towards a mean combination.
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