Saturday, June 13, 2020

What preventing Pakistan from fully integrate AJK/PoK after India fully integrating Kashmir despite UN considers it as disputed territory.?

Very good question. What preventing Pakistan from fully integrating AJK/POK >

Its not that Pakistan doesn’t want to, but it has been smartly given a Checkmate.

Pakistan in a catch 22 situation. Internally there would be pressure form the mainland Pakistani people on their Government to attach POK/AJK as a counter measure of Indian move as well to prevent any future Indian attempt to recapture POK.

However the moment they make any such move they will lose the support of POK people. The POK people may revolt against Pak government. A hostile POK will affect its strength adversely along LOC. India Government would get upper-hand in improving situation in J&K as well as to make advancement in POK. Pakistan Government will lose the mask/moral right to fight for freedom of J&K. Their international stand will get diluted. And if they do not take a call to attach POK, it would always be an opportunity open for India.

Imran Khan Government is in a state of total confusion and frustration. They are not getting any support from international community, not even from the OIC countries. OIC countries are rather standing with India. FATF Asia-Pacific Group has already put Pakistan in 'enhanced blacklist, financially they are not in position to fight any sustained war with India. Their military might is no match to that of India. Defence Minister Rajnath Singh already said that the future of India’s ‘No First Use’ (NFU) policy on nuclear weapons depended on “circumstances”. Mr. Singh’s statement has raised apprehensions on the likely revision of India’s NFU policy and nuclear doctrine.

Pakistan knows that whatever counter action they have taken ( after India removing Article 370 ) would hurt them more than India and at some point of time they would be forced to call off those action. Which would make it lose its face badly to its own people as well as to the world community.

Further in such a condition if they decide to wage a war against India as they are threatening they will not get any support from any corner and it will give India an legitimate opportunity/right to go all out and recapture POK. Possibly that’s the reason they are talking about nuclear war so often, so that world community intervene and stop India from making any further move.

Pakistan understands that Article 370 is gone for ever, it can not come back. Now POK is at risk. If they are to make any discussion in future it would be on POK not on J&K.

The best thing they can expect now is that the International community to put pressure on India and extract some kind of statement from India that it would not make any unilateral move in POK. But to get such a statement from India International community has to give an absolute guarantee to India that Pakistan would not make any interference in J&K and would stop all kind of proxy war against India.

And till such time Pakistan gives such a declaration and stop all terrorist activities in J&K, International community can not put any pressure on India. Overall no gain for Pakistan.

For the first time India Government has put the ball in Pakistan's court and pushed it on its back foot. A brilliant tactical move by Modi Government.

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  1. Should India tinker with its ‘No First Use’ policy?

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