Have you heard of the word called virgin steal? I believe the people who have studied metallurgy are familiar with the word. Virgin steel is known as 'BOS steel or “BOF steel” It is made through the Blast furnace-basic oxygen furnace or the basic oxygen steelmaking (BOS) process.
In simple language, Virgin Steel is the steel we get directly by melting freshly mined iron ores in the blast furnace. It is pure and superior in strength. As against virgin steel, we have another steel, that is recycled steel. Recycled steel is made from scrap metal, and it's a much cheaper option than brand-new virgin steel. This is because the production of recycled steel consumes much less energy. Recycled steel is also known as EAF steel since it is produced in Electric Arc Furnace.
Anyway, I will not go too deep into the metallurgy part. I will just harp on certain points. 1. Recycled steel is cheaper or to say economical as it consumes less energy in manufacturing. 2. We are seeing increased application of recycled steel across the world. 3. The primary process of steel manufacturing will remain the BOS or BOF-producing virgin steel. Because without that where will you get the steel for recycling? I will not get into the argument about which steel is better virgin steel or recycled steel. That will be a never-ending argument.
We generally attach too much significance to virginity in the Indian context. However, the definition of life is changing quite fast. Up to a point, a boy or a girl remains a virgin but beyond that, they may change multiple partners. However, this one aspect need not change their individual value proposition as a man or woman. The recycled steel is the same. Steel doesn’t have any emotional value attached, so many times you recycle it doesn’t make any difference. And technology is now so advanced that we can get rid of most of the impurities. Though it may not be possible to 100% match the virgin steel's character, some impurities may still remain.
It is the same with humans. Someone who has changed many partners is expected to go through some inherent changing process. He or she may not behave the same way as earlier. At least the loyalty & trust factor would not be there. Otherwise, they may be great in all other parameters or even better than virgin steel. For example, virgin steel is cheaper. Similarly who have changed multiple partners could be better at conceding and exquisitely skilled in consummation.
Have I digressed from the topic? No. I am quite connected to the topic of turncoat politicians. These turncoat politicians are like those human beings who have changed multiple partners. They are very adaptive, better at conceding, and may be exquisitely skilled in political consummation. In contrast, politicians who believe in chastity could be much less adaptive and need not be very skilled in political consummation. See these things develop with exposure and experience. Inherently they may be equally talented. Secondly, as I said virgin steel is costly because it involves a long processing chain plus energy consumption. In contrast recycled steel is cheaper and quickly available. The only limiting factor is the supply of scrap to produce recycled steel. So it will always be proportional to the production of virgin steel.
BJP resorting to poaching of opposition leaders is like using recycled steel. It is a cheaper and quicker option. Once someone concedes to someone outside the marriage and consummates, hoping for 2nd, 3rd, 4th partner, is not at all an issue. Apart from trust and loyalty factors, they get better in other parameters. And when you are corrupt to your conscience, other forms of corruption don’t matter. Don’t expect character there. Whether in politics or in your life if you accept such a partner you have to compromise on certain parameters like ethics and honesty, etc. Both sides know that there is no point in talking about ethics, honesty, etc anymore.
As I said the efficacy may improve by switching partners/parties. However, corruption becomes a strong integral part of the turncoats. Because money and power become the driving power for them. BJP has been running short of leadership materials, so poaching or using recycled steel is the only way as it is quicker and more economical. No matter how many recycling or melting processes you go through, some impurities will stay and some more added every time you are recycled. Another problem BJP is using a lot of reclaimed steel. This means the scraps are directly put to use without recycling. These days BJP is mostly using reclaimed steel or scrap steel directly. And you know what is scrap? They are discarded products. Whenever you hear that a senior Congress leader has joined the BJP. You need to understand that they are scrap materials, discarded or rejected for their poor quality or for not being of any use.
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